Robert Rathbone is the owner of Kadesh, a property located approximately 250km south west of Wagga Wagga. The property is a wildlife-friendly sanctuary and a holiday retreat. It is Robert’s intent to continue to manage the land for the benefit of the local environment, and to add variety to understorey vegetation on the property.
Kadesh is a bush block covering approximately 20.23 hectares backing on to the Edward River. Plenty of water sources are available to wildlife as there is a dam and one boundary is formed by the Mulwala Canal, as a result some parts of the property are subject to flooding. Vegetation consists mainly of river red gums (Eucalpytus camaldulnesis) a dominant tree species in the Murray-Darling basin.
Wildlife known to inhabit the sanctuary include short-beaked echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus), eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus), swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor), and an abundance of birdlife and reptiles.