What’s wrong with fur?
Fur farms kill millions of animals each year, and there are no laws to protect them from intolerable cruelty and an inhumane death.
Inhumane fur farmers and trappers kill millions of animals every single year across the globe simply so their fur can be used as a fashion statement.
Mink, foxes, racoon dogs and chinchillas are almost exclusively farmed for their fur, and coyotes and beavers are typically trapped. Fur farms are mainly self-regulated and the animals kept in them are cruelly deprived of their basic needs. On these farms abuse and poor living standards are rife. In some instances, animals are skinned alive.
Fur farms are also breeding grounds for zoonotic diseases. Most recently, COVID-19 roared through mink farms in several countries, resulting in the culling of millions of animals in the hopes of preventing further transmission. Such large-scale suffering could be avoided if this unnecessary industry was shut down for good.
What is HSI doing about it?
Humane Society International Australia continues to be committed to highlighting the cruel and inhumane practices of the fur industry and pressuring governments, fashion labels and retailers to end this cruel practice.
One by one, major fashion labels are announcing they are ditching the fur for their future collections including Gucci, Michael Kors and Versace. HSI is delighted to see that Australia’s two biggest department stores, Myer and David Jones, have continued to keep fur off their racks, maintaining their promise to support fur free fashion.
You can help end the fur trade by downloading our Fur Free Guide and avoiding brands that still sell fur!
By shopping fur-free you send a message to retailers, brand, suppliers, and ultimately fur farms, that the demand for fur is weak and dwindling fast. Voting against fur with your wallet is the only way that we can hope to see a fur-free future.
Not sure how to tell real fur from fake fur?
Use our guide below to help you tell the difference between cruelty and kindness!