Robert Clements and Yael Katz (1)

Wildlife Land Trust

Our network of member-owned sanctuaries conserving wildlife and their homes across Australia.

Find a sanctuary Who are we? Sign up your land
Featured Sanctuaries View all
Bemboka, NSW


A private bushland retreat and a waterfall paradise

Natural waterways Sustainable farming
Bunya Creek, QLD


A residence and dedicated wildlife sanctuary

Threatened species Wildlife corridors

Southern Koala and Echidna Rescue

A wildlife sanctuary, wildlife rehabilitation site and vineyard

Sustainable farming Wildlife corridors Wildlife rehabilitation

Wildlife Land Trust

Australia is lucky to have some of the most unique and diverse wildlife on the planet, but our native species and the places they call home are disappearing. The Wildlife Land Trust is a national movement to help landholders save our wildlife by conserving, restoring and enhancing their land.

What is the Wildlife Land Trust?

The Wildlife Land Trust is a network of privately-owned wildlife sanctuaries committed to preserving wildlife and habitats. Our members are found across Australia and include farmers, eco-tourism business owners, conservationists and regular landowners who want to support native species on their land. Whether you’re new to private land conservation, registered with an existing land protection scheme or a seasoned conservationist, we’d love to hear from you.

Becoming part of the Wildlife Land Trust is completely free and involves a non- binding letter of agreement to commit to preserving wildlife and their habitats. Joining our program will complement any current or future land protection arrangements.

What are the benefits?

We provide an opportunity to become a part of a growing network of sanctuaries promoting best conservation practices and protecting wildlife and habitats across Australia.

Share your conservation story with your own sanctuary profile and our biannual newsletter, and connect with likeminded people in your local area with a free Wildlife Land Trust property sign.

You’ll also be supported with restoration grants, wildlife events and expert conservation advice as well as support for wildlife issues in your local

Sanctuaries You Can Stay

With Our Sanctuaries You Can Stay Program, we can help to connect environmentally conscious travellers with your sanctuary, advertising wildlife tours, citizen science programs and bush regeneration activities available for visitors.

Sanctuaries For Sale

Our Sanctuaries For Sale program can advertise your property to environmentally-minded buyers, promoting the natural features and biodiversity that make it so unique.

We can help you find a buyer who appreciates your sanctuary and can continue preserving it for wildlife.

Wildlife Lands Newsletter

Read the latest edition of Humane World for Animals Australia’s Wildlife Land Trust Newsletter • Issue 29 • 2024

Kangaroo Thumbnail(2)

Have your own sanctuary to list?

Fill out our application form to get started. We’ll create a personalised Letter of Agreement for your property which is flexible, non-binding and can be cancelled at any time.

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