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STATEMENT: NSW Government takes a step towards stronger nature laws

by Humane Society International,

The Government’s response to the 2023 Henry Review of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 makes several positive commitments for nature, including creating a NSW Nature Strategy and reviewing the biodiversity conservation program to support the goals of no new extinctions and restoring threatened species and ecosystems. HSI Australia also welcomes...

HSI celebrates historic win for sheep as live exports to end

by Humane Society International,

The legislation to phase out live sheep exports by sea from Australia by 1 May 2028 has passed in the Australian Parliament with a majority vote in the Senate. This is historic progress for animal welfare in Australia and will help safeguard the welfare of millions of Australian sheep for...

Iceland will allow commercial whaling to resume in ’devastatingly disappointing’ renewal of one-year permit

by Humane Society International,

This is a rejection of once-in-a-generation opportunity to end slaughter at sea, says Humane Society International (11 June 2024)―As news breaks that Iceland’s Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir will renew a one-year commercial whaling licence to whaling company Hvalur hf., despite clear evidence of immense animal suffering,...

NSW Govt has no solution to save endangered species from lethal shark nets, documents reveal

by Humane Society International,

The NSW shark nets pose significant risk of local extinction to Endangered leatherback turtles, and are unable to reduce the impact on other threatened species, according to documents obtained under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) by a group of wildlife organisations, including Humane Society International (HSI)...

NSW Govt has no solution to save endangered species from lethal shark nets, documents reveal – copied

by Humane Society International,

The NSW shark nets pose significant risk of local extinction to Endangered leatherback turtles, and are unable to reduce the impact on other threatened species, according to documents obtained under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) by a group of wildlife organisations, including Humane Society International (HSI)...

Australia’s Nature Positive future hangs in the balance

by Humane Society International,

Legislation tabled today to create a new Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and Environment Information Australia (EIA) needs significant amendment to provide an adequate framework for a nature positive Australia, according to Humane Society International (HSI) Australia. While the EPA and EIA are important and necessary institutions, the animal protection and...

As its new mega whaling ship launches killing season, Japan adds vulnerable fin whales to kill list

by Humane Society International,

Japan’s new whaling factory ship, the Kangei Maru, has left port to start the new whale killing season in the north Pacific. The 9,300-ton vessel is capable of hauling and storing slaughtered massive fin whales, a species Japan has proposed to add to its kill list alongside Bryde’s, sei and...

STATEMENT: Government stands strong on live sheep export commitment

by Humane Society International,

Background: Today the Federal Government announced its phase out plan for Australia’s live sheep export trade, including an end date of 1 May 2028. They have also released the expert panel report that advised them on the phase out. The Government is committing to phase out live sheep exports by...

Grim NSW Biodiversity Outlook needs urgent action

by Humane Society International,

Today’s NSW Biodiversity Outlook Report paints a stark picture of declining biodiversity in NSW, with only one in two listed threatened species expected to survive in 100 years. With deforestation identified as one of the key drivers of decline, Humane Society International (HSI) Australia is calling on the NSW Government...

134 non-target animals, including turtles and dolphins, killed by NSW shark nets this season

by Humane Society International,

Humane Society International (HSI) Australia has released new data from the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) that shows NSW shark nets caught 208 non-target** wildlife since the nets returned to waters on 1 September 2023, with 134 of those animals found dead.  HSI Australia was able to obtain the...

Government must fulfil election promise to phase out live sheep exports

by Humane Society International,

This media release was distributed by the Australian Alliance for Animals, of which HSI Australia is a member. Leading animal welfare organisations are calling on the Albanese Government to honour its election commitment to phase out live sheep exports in an open letter requesting a definitive end date to be...

Comprehensive nature law reform still desperately needed

by Humane Society International,

Today the Australian Government announced stage two of their national environmental law reform of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act), which will see the introduction of two new environmental authorities—Environment Protection Australia (EPA) and Environment Information Australia. Humane Society International (HSI) Australia has long been calling for...

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Our campaigns team can provide expert statements and are often interviewed for media stories on animal welfare and conservation. For all media inquiries, please contact our Head of Communications, Matthew Smeal, on 0434 483 493 or msmeal@hsi.org.au