Scott Crystal is the owner of Faerie Wonderland, a property located approximately 22km west of Murwillumbah. The property is a residence and dedicated wildlife sanctuary, and it is Scott’s intent for it to continue to be used for conservation and environmental education. The biodiversity values of Faerie Wonderland are protected in-perpetuity through a Nature Conservation Trust agreement, and it is registered with Land for Wildlife.
Faerie Wonderland covers 11.3 hectares of lowland rainforest in the NSW North Coast and Sydney Basin Bioregion. An endangered ecological community listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 is present on the property as well as a vulnerable forest ecosystem containing 50 wet bungalow brushbox. The land is identified as a priority for the Great Eastern Ranges and was part of a Moist Climate Change Corridor project run by the Department of Environment and Climate Change.
A number of flora and fauna species listed as threatened are present on the property, including red-fruited ebony (Diospyros mabacea), durobby (Syzygium moorei), fine-leaved leaved tuckeroo (Lepiderema pulchella), rough-shelled bush nut (Macadamia tetraphylla) and the wompoo fruit-dove (Ptilinopus magnificus).