Image Video Block

Fullwidth image, no background color and content position left

Image Video Block

Fullwidth image, with background color and content position left

Image Video Block Content right

Fullwidth image, no background color align right

Image Video Block Content right

Fullwidth image, with background color align right

Image Video Block Content right

Fullwidth video, with background color with center align

Image Video Block

Image Video block with 100% width and top image and left align.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id finibus nulla. Proin sed neque ac nibh ornare scelerisque. In quis risus vehicula, tincidunt felis id, hendrerit enim. Maecenas at ex ac diam ultrices pellentesque. Nulla eu semper lectus. Integer sit amet risus nec enim mattis tristique. Aenean dapibus quam nec laoreet lacinia. Curabitur sed turpis quis nisl accumsan posuere. Aenean dolor lorem, euismod a nulla eu, aliquet mattis tortor. Duis sodales venenatis velit, nec placerat nulla pellentesque viverra. Aenean eget tortor pretium, ultricies urna nec, aliquet urna.

Image Video Block

Image Video block with 75% width and top video and center align.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id finibus nulla. Proin sed neque ac nibh ornare scelerisque.

Image Video Block

Image Video block with 100% width and bottom image & video and center align.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id finibus nulla. Proin sed neque ac nibh ornare scelerisque. In quis risus vehicula, tincidunt felis id, hendrerit enim. Maecenas at ex ac diam ultrices pellentesque. Nulla eu semper lectus. Integer sit amet risus nec enim mattis tristique. Aenean dapibus quam nec laoreet lacinia. Curabitur sed turpis quis nisl accumsan posuere. Aenean dolor lorem, euismod a nulla eu, aliquet mattis tortor. Duis sodales venenatis velit, nec placerat nulla pellentesque viverra. Aenean eget tortor pretium, ultricies urna nec, aliquet urna.

Image Video Block

Image Video block with 50% width and bottom image & video and center align.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id finibus nulla. Proin sed neque ac nibh ornare scelerisque.