HSI Australia has welcomed the release of the Senate inquiry’s report into the Government’s proposed Nature Positive laws and stresses that the Albanese Government must work together with the Greens and independent senators to deliver a strong EPA and close critical gaps in current legislation. The current Bills, to create...
Last night ABC 7:30 aired a story showcasing the callous mistreatment of Australian sheep in the Middle East thanks to an investigation by Animals Australia.
For decades Humane Society International (HSI) Australia has campaigned for an end to live sheep exports, by lobbying the government, submitting to parliamentary inquiries, and joining forces with various other animal welfare organisations who share our determination.
In response to the ABC 7:30 story, Georgie Dolphin, Animal Welfare Campaigner at HSI Australia, said:
“This shocking footage is just further evidence the live sheep export trade is beyond repair, failing to protect animals time and time again.
“The suffering inflicted on these sheep is inexcusable, yet characteristic of the trade. From being stuffed into car boots for transport, to being slaughtered while fully conscious when they reach their destination.
“Australia has sent 172 million sheep overseas since the live export trade began 60 years ago, equating to nearly 8,000 sheep a day. Just imagine the unfathomable number of those frightened animals we failed.
“It’s simply impossible to protect the welfare of sheep aboard these ships of suffering and at their final destination.
“The Albanese Government secured huge public support at the last election with their promise to phase-out live sheep exports by sea. We are pleased they are standing strong to this commitment despite the loud opposition from industry—now they need to legislate an end date.
“It’s time for the Government to act swiftly by legislating an end date within this term of Parliament, wrapping up this unfixable trade completely by 1 May 2026. We can’t allow any more sheep to endure such unspeakable suffering.”