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Showing 12 of 23 results

Licence to Kill

by Humane Society International,

Every year, Australia’s state and territory governments allow private landholders to kill hundreds of thousands of native animals—animals that are otherwise protected by law. For the first time ever, the Licence to Kill report quantifies the national scale of the licensed killing of Australia’s native wildlife using data obtained from...

The Broken Promise Report

by Humane Society International,

Humane Society International Australia, along with FOUR PAWS and the Australian Alliance for Animals, released The Broken Promise report in 2024 to bring to light the twenty-year failure of Australia’s wool industry leaders on the issue of live lamb cutting (mulesing).  

Putting an end to trophy hunting imports

by Humane Society International,

Trophy hunting involves the killing of wildlife purely for the purpose of displaying parts of the animal – often the head or skin. Every year around the world more than 200,000 threatened animals are killed for trophies. To view our report, click below.   Read the report here

Independent Polling by Pureprofile

by Humane Society International,

In August 2023, HSI Australia commissioned independent polling by Pureprofile which surveyed 1,005 participants on a range of our campaigns. The results on sheep welfare revealed that: Over 75 per cent of respondents agree that wool growers should breed sheep without wrinkles, so they are not prone to flystrike. More...

Predator Smart Farming

by Humane Society International,

Agriculture is essential to produce food and fibre. Extensive livestock grazing occurs across Australia, often in areas where dingoes live. Within these shared landscapes tensions can occur between grazing communities and predatory wildlife such as dingoes. One concern for graziers is how to keep livestock safe in an economically and...

Trophy Hunting by the Numbers

by Humane Society International,

Trophy hunting involves the killing of wildlife purely for the purpose of displaying parts of the animal – often the head or skin. Trophy hunting occurs worldwide and includes hunting for species threatened with extinction. Globally, imports of over 97,000 trophies of mammal species protected under the Convention on International...

Analysing the Wildlife Toll of Prescribed Burning Practices in Southwest WA

by Humane Society International,

On Thursday the 25th of March 2021 a prescribed burn conducted by the Western Australian Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) tore through 1,800 hectares of forest approximately 25 kilometres east of Manjimup in Southwest Western Australia. The blaze burned throughout the area known as one of the most...

Fur Farming, COVID-19 and Zoonotic Disease Risks

by Humane Society International,

Since April 2020, when the first case of COVID-19 in American mink was confirmed on a fur farm in the Netherlands, this zoonotic disease has continued to rage throughout farmed mink herds in various EU Member States as well as in the United States and Canada.   In some countries,...

Management of Shark Fin Trade to and from Australia

by Humane Society International,

Healthy shark populations are an indicator of the health of the marine environment. Sharks play a key role in marine and estuarine environments, and people around the world rely on healthy marine ecosystems for their livelihoods.   But their decline is being driven in part by the lucrative and unsustainable...

Review of the Non-Detriment Finding for CITES Appendix II listed Hammerhead Shark Species

by Humane Society International,

On 14 September 2014, the listing of the scalloped, great and smooth hammerhead sharks on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II took effect. The ability for Australia to continue to export the three listed hammerhead shark species is made possible...

Failing our wildlife – Why Victoria’s wildlife protection laws need to be modernised

by Humane Society International,

The challenges facing Victoria’s native wildlife are immense.   Our wildlife are in the gun-sights of rapidly accumulating extinction and climate crises. Our laws are hindering and enabling the problem, not confronting it or overcoming it.   The Victorian Environment Minister announced a review of the Wildlife Act 1975 (Vic)...

Safeguarding Australia’s Wildlife

by Humane Society International,

Lessons from the 2019-20 ‘Black Summer’ Bushfires Climate change-fuelled extreme weather events are only going to become more severe and frequent.  HSI, along with many other conservationists and wildlife rescuers, understand that we must do more to protect wildlife in the face of future disasters. We commissioned BG Economics to...

Talk to our media team

Our campaigns team can provide expert statements and are often interviewed for media stories on animal welfare and conservation. For all media inquiries, please contact our Head of Communications, Matthew Smeal, on 0434 483 493 or msmeal@hsi.org.au