Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / QLD / Dendrophilia Nature Refuge

We offer undisturbed bird- and wildlife watching on our completely forested property, which borders onto the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area.

The modern self-contained and well-appointed cabin is the only guest accommodation. Our Tall Sclerophyll Forest, with a diverse understorey of flowering and fruiting shrubs, in the ecotone between open woodland and tropical rainforest, represents one of the rare and least protected ecosystems in Australia. This ecosystem supports a great number and diversity of flora and fauna, enhanced by the presence of montane tropical rainforest mainly along our creeks. Animal species lists on our website!

Of course, we try to have a small environmental footprint and there are many features on our property and in the cabin (PV system, rain water, recycling etc.) towards that end.

Christina and Thomas are the owners of Dendrophilia Nature Refuge, a Nature Refuge located in Wondecla, approximately 80km southwest of Cairns, Queensland. The property is currently used as a residence and dedicated wildlife sanctuary, as well as a small-scale tourist accommodation.

The property covers approximately 14 hectares and borders Herberton Range National Park and the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. The property is covered by wet sclerophyll forest transitioning to tropical rainforest and houses many rare flora and fauna species. A wide range of plant species are found on the property, primarily rose gums (Eucalyptus grandis), red mahogany gums (Eucalyptus resinifera) and Turpentine trees (Syncarpia glomulifera), interspersed with brush box (Lophostemon confertus) and forest oaks (Allocasuarina torulosa).

A wide range of wildlife is found on the property, including short-beaked echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus), Lumholtz’s tree kangaroos (Dendrolagus lumholtzi), common (Trichosurus vulpecula) and coppery (Trichosurus johnstonii) brushtail possums, green (Pseudochirops archeri) and lemuroid (Hemibelideus lemuroides) ringtail possums, yellow-bellied (Petaurus australis), sugar (Petaurus breviceps) and feathertail (Acrobates frontalis) gliders, rakali (Hydromys chrysogaster) and swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor).

Reptiles and amphibians are also numerous throughout the property and include Boyd’s forest dragons (Hypsilurus boydii), carpet pythons (Morelia spilota), spotted tree (Varanus scalaris) and lace (Varanus varius) monitors, green-eyed tree frogs (Litoria serrata) and northern barred frogs (Mixophyes schevilli).

A vast array of birdlife – many endemic to Queensland – can also be found on the property. They include southern cassowaries (Casuarius casuarius), grey goshawks (Accipiter novaehollandiae), eastern spinebills (Acanthorhynchus tenuirostrus), pied monarchs (Arses caupi), Victoria’s riflebirds (Ptiloris victoriae), superb (Ptilinopus superbus) and Wompoo (Ptilinopus magnificus) fruit-doves and rufous owls (Ninox rufa).

Contact the owner

This sanctuary has been listed by Christina and Thomas who can be contacted by phone on 07 4201 0993 or info@athertontablelandsbirdwatcherscabin.com.au

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