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Showing 12 of 373 results

Happy anniversary Kalpana

by Humane Society International,

You might remember Kalpana—I am happy to report that this year she celebrates her fifth rescue anniversary at Wildlife SOS. Formerly exploited and abused as a ‘begging’ elephant in Uttar Pradesh, Kalpana was rescued in 2019 and brought to the Wildlife SOS Elephant Hospital Campus (EHC) in Mathura for comprehensive...

Why eggs-actly are millions of Aussie hens still caged, and how can we help them?

by Georgie Dolphin,

Despite bans on battery cages around the world, it’s estimated that more than 5 million egg laying hens are still confined in the cruel cages in Australia every day.   Why we need to #CantheCage Battery cages are outdated   Battery cages were first banned in Switzerland in 1992, more than 30...

The final voyage is in sight – Live export of sheep by sea will end by 2028.

by Humane Society International,

The Federal Government has finally announced an end date for Australia’s live sheep export trade. This is truly a historic political decision that will spare tens of thousands of sheep from suffering. On 11 May, the Albanese Government stood true to their election promise and announced their phase out plan...

A reprieve for dingoes

by Humane Society International,

For years now, supporters like you have been calling on Victoria to stop the senseless killing of dingoes on private land—at last we have some exciting news to share with you. On 14 March the Victorian Government announced they would end the dingo “unprotection order” in the north-west of Victoria...

Vale Mary: The wombat matriarch of Glenbog State Forest 1999-2024

by Evan Quartermain,

When Ray and Marie Wynan of Wildlife Land Trust sanctuary Edala last saw Mary the bare-nosed wombat, who they had known and loved for more than 20 years, there were signs that had them worried. She was looking skinny and exhausted with a joey at foot who was too young...

What is live lamb cutting? 

by Georgie Dolphin,

The History – Australia is one of the world’s biggest wool producers. Originally, our Merino sheep had smooth skin, but in 1883 the Vermont Merino was introduced with folds of skin and wrinkles to maximise wool production per sheep.  Aussie flies – This move towards more wrinkly Merinos was a...

Community wildlife corridors: How South Australian residents are restoring wildlife habitats

by Louisa Bartels,

A significant threat Australian wildlife is currently facing is habitat loss and degradation. Habitat fragmentation can be caused by human activities such as urban development, agriculture, deforestation and the building of new infrastructure. Disconnecting habitats can create barriers for wildlife, limiting their ability to move freely within their environment and...

Iceland and Japan mark dark new entries in the whale history books

by Nicola Beynon,

It is the commercial and political interests of a few people that stand in the way of history claiming commercial whaling as a travesty of the past. We saw that last week, with both Japan and Iceland reinvigorating their dying commercial whale hunting industries.   In what Humane Society International has...

Japan launches new whale killing vessel even as demand for whale meat plummets

by Kitty Block,

Over the course of a long career, I’ve spent countless hours at international conferences listening to the representatives of Iceland, Japan and Norway attempt to rationalize their killing of whales. These three nations, so often lauded for their standing and positive contributions within the global community, come up short indeed...

How does Humane Society International Australia protect elephants? 

by Erica Martin,

Did you know there are three distinct species, or types, of elephants in the world? The African savannah or bush elephant (Loxodonta africana); the African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus).   Estimates put the population of African elephants at around 400,000 down about 96% in the...

Nature Laws Explainer – EPBC Reform Stage 2

by Dr Megan Kessler,

In April 2024, Environment Minister Plibersek announced the Government’s intention to progress reforms to our national environmental law, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) in three stages.  Stage 1 included expanding the ‘water trigger’ and introducing the nature repair market, Stage 2 will involve creating a...

5 types of native bees and tips for a bee-friendly garden

by Louisa Bartels,

Honey bees are not the only bees that can play a significant role in your garden. This World Bee Day, May 20th, take some time to appreciate the incredible types of native bees of Australia, of which there are over 1,600 different species! Native bees are the best type of...

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Our campaigns team can provide expert statements and are often interviewed for media stories on animal welfare and conservation. For all media inquiries, please contact our Head of Communications, Matthew Smeal, on 0434 483 493 or msmeal@hsi.org.au