Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / NSW / Clarence River Wilderness Lodge

Situated on the headwaters of the Clarence River in the rugged Great Dividing Range, Clarence River Wilderness Lodge is a secluded corner of Australia noted for the diverse abundance of its native animals and the wild splendour of its scenery.

Choose from a variety of family-friendly accommodation and enjoy the pristine natural settings with canoeing, gold panning, mountain biking and bushwalking. This sanctuary incorporates environmentally sustainable principles such as solar power, minimal water use and bush regeneration, and is home to spotted-tail quolls, platypuses and a wide variety of birds.

Stephen and Sharon Ross are the owners of Clarence River Wilderness Lodge, which spans 950 hectares and consists mainly of dry rainforest, tall open eucalypt forest and cleared river flats. The property ranges in elevation from 200-500 metres and is bordered on two sides by the Clarence River and Tooloom Creek. Vegetative species present are typically old-growth eucalypts such as grey gums (Eucalyptus biturbinata) and ironbarks (Eucalyptus crebra), with an understorey of barbed-wire grass (Cymbopogon refractus), snow grass (Poa sieberiana) and blady grass (Imperata cylindrica).

Wildlife species present on the sanctuary include brush-tailed rock wallabies (Petrogale penicillata), eastern quolls (Dasyurus viverrinus), red-necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus), platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) and rufous bettongs (Aepyprymnus rufescens).

Contact the owner

This sanctuary has been listed by Stephen and Sharon Ross who can be contacted by phone on (02) 6665 1337 or info@clarenceriver.com

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