Wild African Elephants

Our Work

Humane Society International Australia is an animal welfare and conservation organisation. We envision a world where people treat animals and nature with respect and compassion. We work across four strategic areas to deliver on this vision.

TAKE ACTION: End Trophy Hunting Imports

Did you know Australia is ranked 10th in the world for the number of protected mammal trophies imported into the country? Wildlife belongs in the wild, not on the wall.

TAKE ACTION: End NSW and QLD’s shark cull

Nets floating off NSW and QLD beaches kill hundreds of sharks, turtles, dolphins, and rays every year for no safety benefit to the public. Help us end the cull.

Latest News

STATEMENT: NSW Government takes a step towards stronger nature laws

STATEMENT: NSW Government takes a step towards stronger nature laws

The Government’s response to the 2023 Henry Review of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 makes several positive commitments for nature, including creating a NSW Nature Strategy and reviewing the biodiversity conservation program to support…

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HSI celebrates historic win for sheep as live exports to end

HSI celebrates historic win for sheep as live exports to end

The legislation to phase out live sheep exports by sea from Australia by 1 May 2028 has passed in the Australian Parliament with a majority vote in the Senate. This is historic progress for…

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Iceland will allow commercial whaling to resume in ’devastatingly disappointing’ renewal of one-year permit

Iceland will allow commercial whaling to resume in ’devastatingly disappointing’ renewal of one-year permit

This is a rejection of once-in-a-generation opportunity to end slaughter at sea, says Humane Society International (11 June 2024)―As news breaks that Iceland’s Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir will renew a…

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