Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / WA / Waminda Wildlife Sanctuary

Waminda means peace and tranquility, which is exactly what you’ll find in this charming bed and breakfast just north of Geraldton. A dedicated wildlife sanctuary, Waminda is home to a variety of rescued native animals and endangered plants.

Wake up to the sight of kangaroos and emus grazing on the fields and enjoy a free breakfast before stepping into the shoes of a wildlife rescuer and learning how to take care of kangaroos, dingoes or parrots.

At night, set up camp under the stars or stay in the eco-friendly caravans supplied by solar panels and windmills. If you’re up for adventure, take a short trip to the coast to enjoy snorkeling, diving, surfing or fishing.

Ian and Chaliaw Morris are the owners of Waminda Wildlife Sanctuary, which covers approximately 5 hectares of revegetated, native bushland. Vegetation species occurring on the property include banksias, eucalypts, river gums, illyarrie (Eucalyptus erythrocorys), and native orchids.

Wildlife species known to inhabit Waminda include dingoes (Canis dingo), short-beaked echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus), western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus), emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae), sand goannas (Varanus gouldii) and a wide range of other reptile species and birdlife.

This sanctuary is featured in Wildlife Lands 17!

Waminda became our home and passion 21 years ago. Meaning peace and tranquillity, it represents a safe place for us and wildlife. The property was previously inhabited by goats so it is not difficult to imagine the former desert-like appearance, with an almost complete lack of vegetation. 

Over time we have managed to plant and establish local species and a few non-endemics, including (but not limited to) banksias, Dundas blackbutts, river gums, lemon-scented gums and tea trees, along with encouraging the growth of kangaroo paws and a few spider and donkey orchids. The dryandras and Western Australian Christmas trees have flourished since the goats have departed. With the trees have come the birds, including galahs, 28 parrots, finches and a few birds of prey. Many others visit and we are establishing water areas to attract and reward those who do. 

We have dingoes which were rescued as abandoned pups, resident roos who were mostly orphans rescued from parents’ pouches, and a few emus who have also found their way to Waminda. Tawny frogmouths are increasingly seen doing impressions of banksia tree branches, and the often ground foraging rainbow bee-eaters have returned with numbers on the rise. Recently, we were privileged to see two echidnas on the block. Bobtail lizards are here in numbers with hardly a day going by without sightings. Three older bobtails return each season to have ticks removed and enjoy a fresh, raw egg. Stimson’s pythons and a range of other snakes were also seen often this summer.

 It appears this mini ecosystem is repairing itself and beginning to function as it perhaps did before it was interfered with. We are seeing the result of years of work and planning with the block finally starting to take on the role nature intended. Mind you, we could not do it without the welcome cooperation of the environment, and find it far more rewarding and sustainable to work with nature than to go against it. 

Contact the owner

This sanctuary has been listed by Ian and Chailaw Morris who can be contacted by phone on 0428 381 762 or wamindafarm@outlook.com

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