Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / VIC / Stringybark Creek Vineyard

Kylie West is the owner of Stringybark Creek Vineyard, a property located approximately 50km east of Melbourne. The property is a dedicated wildlife sanctuary and a vineyard. The property is also used for mixed agriculture including the cultivation of flowers and vegetables. It is Kylie’s intent to continue to use the property for the benefit of the local environment, and she plans to revegetate the land surrounding the stream and remove weeds. The property is part of the Steam Frontage Management program and working towards Land for Wildlife registration. Kylie has also recently applied for organic certification.

The property covers 10 hectares and consists of eucalypt woodlands with mixed vegetation along the stream frontage. Approximately six hectares are under vines and four hectares are used for mixed cropping (flowers and vegetables) plus an apiary. The sanctuary has two spring fed dams, providing a vital water source for local wildlife, and is bordered by Little Stringybark Creek which is an environmentally sensitive area and home to endangered growling grass frogs (Litoria raniformis).

Wildlife species known to habitat the property include bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus) and many types of frogs. Stringybark Creek Vineyard is also home to a wide variety of birds including superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus), sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita), scarlet robins (Petroica boodang), crested bellbirds (Oreoica gutturalis), owls, finches and native ducks.

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