Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / WA / Preston Park

Preston Park is a wildlife sanctuary extending for 28.33 hectares approximately 80 km south of Mandurah on the Swan Coastal Plain. Trish Brown purchased the property 20 years ago to be used for rescuing and rehabilitating wild and domestic animals.  It abuts the Yalgorup National Park and is in a region recognised as one of the world’s 34 global Biodiversity Hotspots.

Located in a high water table area, the property has permanent fresh waterholes and dams, and the sanctuary contains vast expanses of native peppermint trees, grass trees, eucalypts, native sedges and woodland. The property is additionally registered with the WA Government’s Department of Parks and Wildlife as a Voluntary Wildlife Sanctuary.

Many native species visit and inhabit the sanctuary, including western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus), black glove wallabies (Macropus irma), western pygmy possums (Cercartetus concinnus), ring-tailed (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) and brush-tail (Trichosurus vulpecula) possums, as well as many reptile, amphibian and bird species.

So far over 1500 native eucalypts have been planted in the sanctuary in an effort to revegetate the property and create a wildlife corridor with the Yalgorup National Park. Trish lives permanently on her property and has installed solar power for electricity needs as well as a separate unit to supply water from her bore by a solar power pump.

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