Cassandra Sorensen and Ian Reid are the owners of Mallee Leucia, a property located approximately 300km north of Cairns. The property is a residence and wildlife-friendly sanctuary that is used for small scale agriculture and wildlife rehabilitation. It is Cassandra and Ian’s intent for Mallee Leucia to remain for these purposes while they continue to study the fauna and vegetation types present and protect and improve the natural environment.
The property covers 16 hectares adjacent to an Endeavour River tributary, with the dominant native vegetation types being rainforest and grassland. Wildlife species known to inhabit Mallee Leucia include swamp (Wallabia bicolor) and agile (Macropus agilis) wallabies, northern quolls (Dasyurus hallucatus), northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus), frilled-neck lizards (Chlamydosaurus kingii), striped possums (Dactylopsila trivirgata), and a wide variety of native bird species.