Rhonda and John Burgess are the owners of Karrak Reach Forest Retreat, a property located in Scotsdale, approximately 10km northwest of Denmark, Western Australia. The property is a residence and wildlife sanctuary as well as a short-term tourist accommodation. Rhonda and John intend to continue maintaining the property as a sanctuary and eco-friendly retreat. The property is protected through a covenant which covers approximately 14% of the natural bush.
The property covers approximately 22 hectares and is situated in the Scotsdale Valley. It is comprised of 60% protected natural forest, with the remaining 40% of cleared land featuring several holiday houses and the owners’ residence.
The forest consists mainly of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor), as well as she-oaks (Casuarina spp.) and candlestick banksias (Banksia attenuata). Bird orchids (Pterostylis barbata), enamel orchids (Elythranthera spp.), flag irises (Iris versicolor), hibbertia, hovea and tassel flowers (Leucopogon verticillatus) are also found throughout the property.
Wildlife is abundant and includes western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus), brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and honey possums (Tarsipes rostratus). A wide variety of birdlife is also present including splendid fairy-wrens (Malurus splendens), barking owls (Ninox connivens), southern boobooks (Ninox boobook), red-tailed black cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus banksii), wedge-tailed eagles (Aquila audax) and laughing kookaburras (Dacelo novaeguineae).