Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / QLD / G O Lee

George and Leeanne Radford are the owners of G O Lee, a property situated close to Herberton, approximately 20km southeast of Atherton, Queensland. The property is a dedicated wildlife sanctuary and it is the owners’ intention to maintain it as such while establishing a home on the land. George and Leeanne plan to work alongside Terrain NRM and other organisations to regenerate the property’s native forest and manage invasive weeds.

The property spans 253 hectares of high-quality remnant forest intersected by a fire break, with no buildings currently established. Vegetation is characterised as wet eucalypt open forest and woodlands with a grassy understorey on granite and rhyolite, with sandy loam lining the creeks. Vegetation is in very good condition, but some lantana (Lantana camara) invasion is present on the forest edges.

The property is mapped as habitat for southern cassowaries (Casuarius casuarius), and a wide variety of wildlife is present including monitors, wallabies, snakes and native birds. The forest may also provide habitat for arboreal mammals.

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