Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / QLD / Epona

Jocelyn Leech is the owner of Epona, a property located in approximately 25km west of Maroochydore.  The property is a dedicated wildlife sanctuary which is also used for wildlife rehabilitation, education, agriculture and recreation.  It is Jocelyn’s intent to better provide for wildlife on Epona by continuing to plant native vegetation.

Epona covers 1.4 hectares of previously cleared dry rainforest which adjoins a council Land for Wildlife refuge of approximately 2 hectares.  Jocelyn has been rehabilitating the sanctuary through plantings over the last 20 years.

Examples of wildlife species known to occur on the property include brushtail (Trichosurus vulpecula) and ringtail (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) possums, northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus), short-beaked echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus), a variety of native rat species and a wide range of native birdlife.

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