Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / QLD / Dilladerri

Patricia Kelly is the sole director of TJM Select Investments Pty Ltd, owner of Dilladerri, a property located in Warroo, approximately 40km southeast of Inglewood, Queensland.  The property was purchased for conservation purposes, with the intent of being dedicated habitat for native wildlife.  Patricia aims to improve and revegetate the portion of land cleared by a previous owner, while protecting and maintaining the remaining native vegetation.  Dilladerri is also approved for Nature Refuge status with the Queensland Government.

Dilladerri covers around 1,847 hectares of largely intact remnant vegetation in the Borders Rivers Catchment, within the New England Tableland Bioregion.  The property lies at a junction of two bioregional corridors and is at the heart of a large tract of remnant vegetation of State significance.  It contains primarily Eucalypt woodland communities and includes five ‘of concern’ regional ecosystems with low to medium representation in the protected area estate.  The area contains known habitat for the endangered Macrozamia cranei and provides suitable habitat for a suite of endangered, vulnerable and rare bird, mammal and reptile species.

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