Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / NSW / Deua Tin Huts

Hidden in the scenic Upper Shoalhaven Valley, Deua Tin Huts is the perfect retreat for families and friends looking to reconnect with nature. The charming cottages feature cosy fireplaces and are sustainably supplied by solar power and rainwater.

Gardens of local indigenous and exotic plants attract a range of birdlife. Kangaroos, wallabies and echidnas are among the regular visitors to the property and and platypus can be spotted in the Shoalhaven River 500 metres away.

Head to the nearby Deua National Park and see the Big Hole, Marble Arch and explore the limestone caves and the park’s unique features, or visit the historical goldmining towns of the region. In the evenings, head down to the dam for a relaxing barbeque.

Andrew and Clare Kavunenko are the owners of Deua Tin Huts. Situated across from the Western entrance of the Deua National Park, Deua Tin Huts Sanctuary covers approximately 5 hectares and features a large dam. Originally a mostly cleared paddock, the property has undergone revegetation and now consists of one third native grasses and over 1000 trees and shrubs indigenous to the area. The property is located in a valley and bordered on one side by a creek.

Vegetation in the undisturbed valley floor is dominated by snow gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora), silver banksias (Banksia marginata), tea trees (Leptospermum spp.), Kunzea species and dwarf she-oaks (Allocasuarina nana), as well as native grass species such as kangaroo grass (Thermeda triandra) and wildflowers such as orchids (Diuris, Caladenia and Pterostylis spp.), native irises (Patersonia spp.), native pea species (Faboceae spp.) and Epacris species. Andrew and Clare have planted eucalyptus species such as snow gums (E. pauciflora), manna gums (E. viminalis), black sallees (E. stellulata), black gums (E. ovata) and brittle gums (E. mannifera). They have also reintroduced a variety of species including black she-oaks (Allocasuarina littoralis), silver banksias (Banksia marginata), red-stemmed wattles (Acacia rubida), tea trees (Leptospermum spp.) and Callistemons. The property also features a wide variety of fungi in autumn.

Wildlife present on the sanctuary includes eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus), red-necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus), bare-nosed wombats (Vombatus ursinus), short-beaked echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus), platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), red-bellied black snakes (Pseudechis porphyriacus), white lipped snakes (Drysdalia coronoides), Cunningham’s skinks (Egernia cunninghami) and a wide range of lizards. The property also houses a wide variety of native birds such as glossy black cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus lathami), dusky wood swallows (Artamus cyanopterus), flame (Petroica phoenicea) and scarlet robins (Petroica multicolor), white eared (Lichenostomus leucotis), yellow-faced (Lichenostomus chrysops) and scarlet honeyeaters (Myzomela sanguinolenta) and several raptor species.

Contact the owner

This sanctuary has been listed by Andrew and Clare Kavunenko who can be contacted by phone on (02) 4847 1248 or inquiry@deuatinhuts.com

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