Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / NSW / Coolangubra Sanctuary

The sanctuary

Mark Adams and Lynette Egglestone are the owners of Coolangubra Sanctuary, a property situated in Rocky Hall, southwest of Bega, New South Wales. The property is a wildlife sanctuary and Mark and Lynette main aim is to conserve the biodiversity of the property. Coolangubra Sanctuary is also under a Voluntary Conservation Agreement with the New South Wales government’s Biodiversity Conservation Trust.

Coolangubra Sanctuary spans 200 hectares across multiple vegetation types such as riparian scrub, eucalypt woodland, escarpment forest, dry rainforest and lowland grassy woodlands. 30% of the property is made up of native grassland and exotic species and 70% of the property is classified as woodland and small areas of dry rainforest.

The property provides habitat for a range of species including glossy black cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus lathami), yellow-bellied gliders (Petaurus australis australis), yellow-tailed black cockatoos (Zanda funerea), powerful owls (Ninox strenua) and Endangered gang-gang cockatoos (Callocephalon fimbriatum).

Contact the owner

This sanctuary has been listed by Mark Adams and Lynette Egglestone who can be contacted by phone on (Mark) 0407 320292 , (Lynette) 0419 330550 or localnativeflora@gmail.com

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