Wildlife Land Trust / Sanctuaries / QLD / Bird’s Heaven Mareeba

Bird’s Heaven Mareeba is a private retreat set on 5 acres of bushland teeming with local wildlife including birds, wallabies, possums, bandicoots and many more. Hosts Larry and Effie welcome you to explore the property where you’ll find a beautiful natural creek, extensive fruit orchard and some lovely goats, chickens, guinea fowls and peacocks.

On clear nights, head to the campfire by the mango trees to enjoy an evening under the stars. Only 4km from town and close to the Emerald Falls National Park, you’ll also be treated to spectacular views towards the Atherton Tableland, where hot air balloons drift at sunrise.

Bird’s Heaven Mareeba features eucalypt woodland and native grasslands which provide habitat for a range of local species. The property is situated close to Emerald Creek Falls National Park.

Wildlife present on the property includes agile wallabies (Macropus agilis), long-nosed bandicoots (Perameles nasuta), brushtail (Trichosurus vulpecula) and ringtail (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) possums, sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps), microbats, frilled-neck lizards (Chlamydosaurus kingii) and snakes. A wide variety of native birds are also present including various honeyeaters.

Contact the owner

This sanctuary has been listed by Larry and Effie Maggio who can be contacted by phone on 0429782603 or larrymaggio32@gmail.com

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