No more bunny business
Humane Society International Global launched a short film, introducing the loveable Ralph acting as a spokesbunny with one mission – to ban cosmetics animal testing around the world. “Save Ralph” stars Oscar winner Taika…
The ugly secret of the beauty industry is that animals have chemicals forced down their throats, dripped into their eyes, or smeared onto their skin to test their safety for use in cosmetics.
Rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats and mice are all sadly used in this way. While dogs and monkeys are never used to test cosmetics anywhere in the world, they are used to test other types of chemicals.
Producing cosmetics without animal suffering is simple—there is no excuse for companies to continue testing cosmetics on animals. Instead, they can use combinations of the thousands of existing cosmetic chemicals already established as safe, combined with available non-animal test methods.
#BeCrueltyFree is the leading global campaign to end animal testing for cosmetics backed by 11 million members. HSI launched the global #BeCrueltyFree campaign in 2012 to create the political will and consumer pressure to ban cosmetics animal testing wherever it takes place in the world.
Cosmetics animal testing and/or trade bans are now in place throughout the European Union, Australia, Israel, Norway, India, and Switzerland. California, as well as Guatemala, New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and several states in Brazil have also passed laws to ban or limit cosmetic animal testing.
The Be Cruelty Free Australia campaign helped bring about a ban on new animal tested cosmetics in Australia.
An incredible 85% of Australians oppose cosmetics testing on animals and 81% support a national ban on the sale of animal-tested cosmetics according to the 2013 Nexus Research Poll. Responding to public pressure, the Australian Government enacted a ban on animal tested cosmetics in Australia from July 2020. HSI worked with the Government and senators to ensure the legislation was as strong as possible before it passed the parliament.
You too can make a difference by pledging to only buy cruelty free beauty products. When you’re out shopping for cosmetics, first check to see which companies comply with Choose Cruelty Free’s non-animal testing criteria – click here for a copy of their latest ‘Cruelty-Free List’ to take shopping.
To learn more, meet Ralph below.
Humane Society International Global launched a short film, introducing the loveable Ralph acting as a spokesbunny with one mission – to ban cosmetics animal testing around the world. “Save Ralph” stars Oscar winner Taika…
A review of New South Wales’ suite of animal welfare laws is currently underway, but the notable exclusion of the concept of animal sentience has animal welfare advocates concerned that NSW is lagging behind…
Animal testing for cosmetics is far from pretty. Rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and rats are used in labs and made to have cosmetic chemicals dripped in their eyes, spread on their shaved skin, or…