Five years after the devastating 2019 Black Summer bushfires, Steve Haslam, owner of Tenterfield’s Quoll Headquarters, is now seeing the return of native species to his acclaimed wildlife sanctuary. The fires’ widespread destruction of large tree hollows—a crucial animal habitat used for refuge, safety, roosting and breeding—would prevent wildlife from...
We have just been sent this wonderful footage of Gajraj enjoying a dust bath at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Care and Conservation Centre in India.
You might remember Gajraj from our story about him in our 2017 Campaign Report.
Poor Gajraj had suffered 51 long years in captivity as a working elephant used in temple processions and chained for long periods of time.
Gajraj has a host of health problems stemming from his hard life but is now getting the care and treatment he deserves.
This video put a smile on all our faces as we saw him thoroughly enjoying his dust bath with his new friends Wally and Sanjay in the background.
We hope this will bring you a little joy this weekend!