We received exciting news this weekend regarding our fight against the global trade in dog meat. At a meeting on veterinary public health held by Indonesia’s Ministry of Agriculture, officials confirmed their intention to support a ban on the trade in dog meat and to deny veterinary certification for dog meat.


Representatives of the Dog Meat Free Indonesia Coalition, of which Humane Society International is a member, were present to share the results of the coalition’s nationwide investigation of the trade. But the crucial influence was the clear communication by leading veterinary public officials, including Dr. Syamsul Ma’arif, Dr. Hastho Yuliadi, Dr. Yadi Cahyadi, and Dr. Wiwiek Bagj, that the dog meat trade is a serious public health threat, a significant animal welfare issue, and a substantial problem for Indonesia’s growing tourism industry.



Participants at the meeting included representatives of livestock and animal health agencies, animal quarantine specialists, veterinarians, Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association, and several non-governmental organizations from all provinces in Indonesia.


Ending the cruelty and public health threat associated with the dog meat trade is one of our number one priorities. We’re advancing our campaign via strong grassroots partnerships in half a dozen countries, public policy strategies in the United States and abroad, investigations of the trade, dog meat farm closures in South Korea, adoption of animals rescued from the trade, and a worldwide public outreach initiative. The campaign is a model for international cooperation between organizations and public agencies, and our steady success is a source of the greatest encouragement to me and my colleagues at the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International. Your support and passion for this issue is what makes it possible for us to give it our best, and we’re counting on you to stay engaged with our efforts to cripple the trade and bring a swift end to all of its associated cruelties.


Blog image: Ending the cruelty and public health threat associated with the dog meat trade is one of our number one priorities. We’re incredibly excited about this news from Indonesia. Image: Dog Meat Free Indonesia



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