Each year more than 10 million Australian Merino lambs have chunks of skin sliced away from their rear ends in a painful procedure known as live lamb cutting (mulesing). This is done because most lambs are bred with wrinkled skin making them prone to a disease caused by flies (known as flystrike). Live lamb cutting is one of the most painful procedures inflicted on farmed animals in Australia. Fortunately there’s an easy solution – wool growers can breed non-wrinkled, flystrike resistant sheep.  

Learn more about live lamb cutting by watching our quick animated explainer.

Australia is the only country where live lamb cutting takes place. Even more shocking, Victoria and Tasmania are the only states where pain relief for live lamb cutting is mandatory, and even then it still fails to protect lambs from significant pain. It’s hard to believe our Australian laws still allow it to happen. 

Footage showing live lamb cutting is so horrific, it’s rarely caught on camera. Thanks to Collective Fashion Justice, this footage shows what live lamb cutting looks like in 2023.

If you want to see for yourself, please use VIEWER DISCRETION:  

Credit: Collective Fashion Justice

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