Our animals are in crisis, it is time for bold solutions

How the federal election will play an important role   This week the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) – established in 2012 by more than 100 nations – released its report on the state of the world’s biodiversity and it is a sobering one.   “Nature is declining globally at rates […]

The final voyage is in sight – Live export of sheep by sea will end by 2028.

The Federal Government has finally announced an end date for Australia’s live sheep export trade. This is truly a historic political decision that will spare tens of thousands of sheep from suffering. On 11 May, the Albanese Government stood true to their election promise and announced their phase out plan for the cruel trade, which […]

Stronger environment laws are needed to protect our wildlife

Twenty years ago Humane Society International welcomed the commencement of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). We had contributed to the negotiations that led to the Act, and while we recognised the final legislation had limitations, it still represented a leap forward in environmental protection for the time. Since then we have sought […]

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