Katherine de Weger and Philippe Vial are the owners of Donnelly’s Keep, a property situated in Pozieres, approximately 140km south of Toowoomba, Queensland. The owners have recently purchased the property as a residence and dedicated wildlife sanctuary, with plans to encourage native species and establish short-term accommodation for tourists in the future. They are also currently seeking registration with Land for Wildlife.
Donnelly’s Keep covers 15 hectares and features two creeks as well as three dams. Habitat is largely characterised by eucalypt woodland and native grassland habitats, covered with large granite boulders. The property houses two previously cleared paddocks, and the owners plan to restore around 8 hectares of this with native plants.
Wildlife is abundant, featuring eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus), swamp wallabies (Wallabia bicolor), koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) and a wide array of birdlife.