David and Marilyn Rosenzweig are the owners of Poustinia, a property situated in Melrose, South Australia. David and Marilyn maintain the property as a sanctuary for native vegetation and wildlife, as well as a camping retreat for themselves and friends. They intend to maintain the property as a refuge for native species, and continuously work to regenerate the existing native vegetation.
The property covers 12.34 hectares and houses a large plantation of grey eucalypt (Eucalyptus punctata). Prior to 1884 much of the existing vegetation was harvested for timber, and the upper story now consists of regrowth. The lower story is comprised of a wide variety of native bush, and the ground level is populated by native grasses, orchids and lilies. Several invasive weeds are present, including sour sob (Oxalis pes-caprae) and to a lesser extent invasive olive, bridal creeper, box thorn and others.
A wide variety of native wildlife is present including short-beaked echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus), brushtail (Trichosurus vulpecula) and ringtail (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) possums, euros (Macropus robustus) and western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus), which are invasive to the region. Monitors, lizards, snakes, digging frogs, and an array of birds are also found on the property, as well as a variety of native ants and worms.