Peter Dixon is the owner of Throg the Farm from Beyond, a property located approximately 10km northeast of Bulahdelah. Approximately 50% of the property is a dedicated wildlife sanctuary, and together with partner Megan Kessler, it is Peter’s intent for it to remain for these purposes.
The property covers 40.02 hectares of undulating country adjacent to Myall Lakes National Park, approximately 50% of which is production land (ex-dairy), with the remainder largely remnant bushland (previous logging activities are evident). Vegetation types present on Throg the Farm from Beyond include tall open forest, open forest and rainforest.
Wildlife species known to inhabit the sanctuary include lace monitors (Varanus varius), Pacific bazas (Aviceda subcristata), pheasant coucals (Centropus phasianinus) and red-necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus).