Have you ever heard a ribbit, croak or bleat echoing from your backyard on a humid spring night and wondered who it belonged to? Did you know that there is an app that can not only identify which frog species is calling but also contributes your data to national frog...
On 14 September 2014, the listing of the scalloped, great and smooth hammerhead sharks on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II took effect.
The ability for Australia to continue to export the three listed hammerhead shark species is made possible through a positive “non-detriment finding” (NDF) made by Australia, which included defined harvest limits.
The 2014 positive NDF for hammerhead shark species was subject to a number of conditions. In February, AMCS and HSI commissioned a report against each of those conditions.